Infocenter is located in the town of Tryavna in central Bulgaria ( During the centuries the people in Tryavna have preserved the rich historical past and the unique Renaissance atmosphere.
Our mission has always been to contribute to the local economic development. As the only adult training provider in Tryavna we are making efforts
to meet the local needs of education and training, information and ICT access. It also provides non-conventional training activities or group oriented trainings to companies and institutions.
The Center is also involved in web design and advertising. Tryavna’s official web site was created in 2002 as part of the USAID funded PC3 Project and is still being supported and enriched as a result of a public-private partnership between the Municipality of Tryavna and Infocenter EOOD (
In cooperation with local organizations Infocenter supports the promotion of local tourism, business, arts and trade with the means of the World Wide Web. Professional and social groups from Tryavna who want to contact similar organizations worldwide always rely on the support of the Infocenter staff.
E-based content on Office Technologies Technologies (available on CD-ROM); the content is intended for self-study, as well as for guided learning with a tutor. It is appropriate for people working in offices and those providing business services.
Paper-based English language program addressing the needs of those involved in tourism.
English language training materials (available both in paper and electronically) based on cultural issues – international stories, games and folk songs and dances.