This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Once upon a time, there was a child who loved tradition, especially Arts, Crafts and Games. The name of the child was ATTIC.
ATTIC used to listen to tales and myths and never became tired. The child used to play games, listen to music and dance. Doing handicrafts with a variety of materials was ATTIC’s passion.
As ATTIC was growing up, a dream appeared - to travel to foreign countries, learn more about their traditions and disseminate everything already learned.
Although quite young and inexperienced ATTIC realized that learning English and Computers was very important for the world-wide communication and started learning.
ATTIC made friends in different countries (Bulgaria, Denmark, Greece, Latvia, Spain). They all helped the child disseminate the tradition and enrich the world’s knowledge.
The dream became true!
ATTIC is still travelling, exchanging experience and taking traditions from country to country, promoting intercultural dialogue to a lot of people in the world.
As a result of the concept of Life-long Learning, ATTIC’s life is exciting and colourful.
ATTIC discovered the real sense of life and has a motto:
“Keep walking, keep learning. Local goes global.”

"It was a great time for me. I was so happy
to meet all those friendly and positive people in Denmark. I'd like to thank all
Danish partners for the chance we had to personally try Danish handicrafts."
Vladimirov, Infocenter trainee, Tryavna, Bulgaria
"I will keep deep memories from Denmark. The program of the meeting in Kerteminde was a great variety of
interesting events – visits to museums and workshops and demonstration of different handicrafts. The evenings were a great fun – with songs, dances,
games, stories and legends. "
"I was impressed by the old streets in Kerteminde with houses of different colours and small decorated windows.
In the evening lanterns lit up the streets and we felt like in a fairy-tale by Andersen. "
Nadya Probojska, Infocenter trainee, Tryavna, Bulgaria
"Greece, Island of Kea. What I am impressed
of? I can’t forget those picturesque seescapes, the beauty of the sunset behind small monasteries. Ioulis – the capital, stone streets. The beaches, the deep valley, terraced hills. "
Todor Tekerev, Infocenter trainee, Tryavna, Bulgaria